Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions May Apply

  1. Introduction:

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) constitute a legally binding agreement between Lead Priority SEO, hereinafter referred to as “the Company,” and the client, hereinafter referred to as “the Client,” regarding the provision of website marketing services. By engaging with our services, the Client acknowledges having read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms. It is imperative that the Client carefully reviews and comprehends the following provisions.

  1. Description of Services:

The Company, under the ownership and operation of Lorenzo Sandoval, specializes in providing comprehensive website marketing solutions encompassing search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising campaigns (including but not limited to Google Ads), social media management, and custom website design. Our paramount objective is to optimize the Client’s online presence, augment website traffic, and ultimately enhance conversion rates and sales.

  1. SEO Services:

Results Timeframe: The Company warrants that its SEO services may require a period of up to 90 days to manifest discernible results. However, depending on the level of competitiveness within the Client’s industry, the realization of significant improvements in search engine rankings may necessitate up to 6 months. It is imperative that the Client acknowledges and accepts the inherent time frame associated with achieving desired outcomes in the digital landscape.

Recommendations: The Company strongly advises the Client to make prudent investments in bespoke photography, professional website design, and the implementation of robust sales processes and follow-up mechanisms. Furthermore, ensuring the accessibility of contact information is paramount for facilitating seamless communication and collaboration throughout the engagement period.

Paid Advertising: The Client is hereby informed that results from paid advertising campaigns, inclusive of those conducted on platforms such as Google and various social media networks, may also necessitate up to 90 days for optimal performance. This timeframe allows for meticulous algorithmic adjustments and campaign refinements aimed at achieving the desired objectives.

  1. Distinction between Local and National Ranking:

Contract Terms: It is incumbent upon the Client to discern the fundamental disparity between local and National SEO Services, wherein the timeframe for attaining desired outcomes diverges significantly. For national ranking endeavors, the Company recommends the execution of a minimum one-year contract, remunerated in full. This protracted commitment empowers the Company to undertake comprehensive website reconstructions, encompassing coding, content generation, bespoke photography, and strategic keyword optimization.

  1. Ownership and Refunds:

Sales Finality: The Client expressly acknowledges and agrees that all transactions are deemed final and non-refundable. This policy is predicated upon the substantial investment of resources, inclusive of but not limited to time, expertise, and financial outlay, requisite for executing our services and procuring backlinks.

Client Ownership: The Company unequivocally affirms that the Client retains absolute ownership of all written or paid content, website designs, backlinks, photographs, media assets, artwork, and graphic designs engendered during the course of our engagement. These proprietary assets are irrevocably conferred to the Client for perpetual retention.

Refund Policy: In exceptional circumstances wherein the Company fails to fulfill its contractual obligations or deliver on the stipulated services, refunds may be warranted at the discretion of the Company. The Client must promptly notify the Company of any perceived deficiencies or oversights in service delivery.

  1. No Guarantees:

While the Company is steadfastly committed to delivering superlative service and maximizing the efficacy of its offerings, it is imperative for the Client to acknowledge and understand that no explicit guarantees are extended regarding specific outcomes or temporal benchmarks for achieving results. The Company’s assurance lies in the delivery of exemplary service and the judicious application of expertise to engender substantive improvements in the Client’s online presence.

  1. Governing Law:

These Terms and Conditions are subject to and governed by the laws of the state of Nevada, United States, with regard to marketing and advertising services.

Contact Information:

  • Lead Priority SEO
  • Lorenzo Sandoval, CEO/Owner
  • 2301 East Sunset Rd. Suite 23
  • Las Vegas, NV 89119
  • For any inquiries regarding these Terms or our services, please contact us at info@leadprioirtyseo.com


By engaging with Lead Priority SEO’s services or accessing our website, the Client acknowledges having thoroughly reviewed, comprehended, and unequivocally agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.